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Smart TV Security Warnings
Well it is official. Our past warnings and concerns over being monitored (spyed) upon through SmartTV's is real. In addition to the now typical advertiser tracking, the provider themselves are tracking and serving content based upon your viewing habits. This is kept...
Weaponized Hardware – Warning keep an eye out for any of these 4 suspicious devices on or around your network.
There has been a recent rise in the discovery "weaponized" hardware appearing on business networks world wide. "Weaponized" what? Hardware? Weaponized Hardware refers to physical devices which can be plugged into or attached to a network for the purpose of sniffing...
What is a (VLAN) “Virtual Local Network”? and why do I need one?
A Firewall provides protection at the perimeter of your network. Most firewalls installed by your ISP or a junior technician are "dumb" firewalls. They are simply configured with some local rules and then left to become outdated as soon as they are installed....
What is a “Managed Firewall” and why do I need one?
A Managed Firewall provides protection for devices at the perimeter (local in your home or office) and/or even on your cloud network. These devices are also commonly referred to as endpoints. Most firewalls installed by your ISP or a junior technician are static or...
World Backup Day
World Backup Day! Is your data backed up? Can you restore your systems and files quickly in the event of a computer crash? World Backup Day is the perfect day to check your backup status, for your home and your business. You should be following the "1-2-3 Rule" at...
How Can You Protect Your Business and Personal Devices Against Phishing Attacks
Phishing attacks are on the rise for businesses, as threat actors focus their efforts on more profitable targets. What can your business do to stop them? Implement an anti-phishing plan that increases awareness of phishing techniques for you and employees.10 TIPS TO...
Dark Mode – Improve Your Vision
Dark Mode is a feature which inverses your device display so the bright white background becomes dark and the text light. Changing the contrast to be easier on the eyes by reducing the amount of harmful blue light. Studies have shown blue light is...
Is Microsoft Breaking Your Computer
We've noticed a strange anomaly when Microsoft rolls out a "feature" upgrade is performed such as the Anniversary Update (v1607), original Creators Update (v1703), or Fall Creators Update (v1709), the update will clear at least (1) Restore Points, (2)...